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I'm going on a trip and leaving my kids in charge of dinner for a few days. It's going to a be a stretch on their abilities, so we will see what the babysitter has to report when we get back.

Hopefully there is something here to inspire you! Remember, eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult. It's okay to eat the same meals over and over, that's the best way to make sure you get dinner on the table every night. Just be sure to include and fruit, vegetable at every meal and you are on your way to healthy eating!

Monday: Lasagna (next month's cooking class) + apple slices + frozen green beans

Tuesday: cooking class! Spinach Muffins + Green Smoothies

Wednesday: Enchiladas (the kids will just heat them up) + frozen corn + cut mangoes

Thursday: Baked Eggs (my 9 year old is an ace at this) + whole wheat toast + canned peaches

Friday: chicken and rice (my 11 year old) + frozen peas + apple slices

Saturday: lunch: Quesadillas (11 year old) + canned black beans + frozen corn

dinner: fondue + apples + frozen cauliflower/broccoli + sliced baguette

Sunday: canned tomato soup + grilled cheese sandwiches on ww bread

crockpot minestrone soup (i'll pre-cut everything and they will just have to dump it in the crockpot) + rolls (frozen)

Monday: veggi noodle soup (my 9 year old) + crackers + canned applesauce

I hope you have a great week!

When I sat down at dinner with my family Sunday night, I realized we only ate dinner together once last week, on Monday night.

We all ate, just not all at the same time. I missed it, I need that daily connection and "catch up time" with my family.

I want you to know that you don't have to have perfect family meals to eat well. All you need to do is be honest with yourself and pay attention to what is going on. If you don't like how things are going, you can take steps to change. I don't like how I feel when I eat alone, so I'm going to make eating together a priority this week.

I hope you view your healthy eating goals in the same light. If you didn't like the way you felt after eating a meal, you can aim to eat better at the next meal. We need to eat about every 3-4 hours, so there's plenty of chances to do better next time!!

Here's my meal plan for the week:

Sunday: hot ham and cheese sandwiches, carrot sticks, apple slices

Monday: (my 9 year old is cooking, this is so easy she can do it 100% alone)

Baked eggs with broccoli + avocado toast (cut into heart shapes) + grapefruit slices

Tuesday: (my 11 year old is cooking, again, this is so easy she can do it 100% alone)

Hummus, tzatziki, cucumbers, bell peppers, flat bread and frozen mangoes + I will pan fry salmon

Wednesday: Meat tacos + orange slices + lettuce + bell peppers

Thursday: Leek and Potato soup + homemade whole wheat bread + apple slices

image from

Friday: Homemade Pizza with pesto, canned artichokes, frozen spinach and salami, green salad if there is still lettuce left in the fridge - if not, a green smoothie with frozen spinach

Saturday: lunch: tuna melts

dinner: Hamburgers and ice cream at BYU creamery after going to a basketball game

(my college professors used to say "Never trust a dietitian who doesn't eat ice cream!." And while I don't eat out all the time, I do enjoy eating out when I do, there is a lot of nutrition in a hamburger!)

Here's my weekly menu! Last week's split pea soup was really yummy. If you've got split peas in your pantry, I highly recommend it!

Sunday: salmon + leftover split pea soup + toast + grapefruit sections

(this recipe is really good, all my kids ate it too!)

Monday: Sausage + shells + oranges + frozen peas + green salad

(new recipe, my 9 year old chose it from a cookbook she got for Christmas)

Tuesday: Chicken + Rice + green salad + roasted sweet potatoes

Wednesday: Spinach Lasagna (march's cooking class recipe) + canned corn + apple slices

Thursday: Chana Masala + rice + naan bread + frozen mangoes

Friday: out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory! (we got a gift card, this is maybe the third time my 5 year old has been out to eat at a sit down restaurant, eating out is a rarity for us)

Saturday: Cook up something with the leftovers in the fridge, maybe bean burritos

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