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It's dark, it's cold, and I'm ready for comfort food. At the same time, food prices have jumped in the past few weeks and I'm looking for ways to use the things I have in my pantry and like rice, noodles, dry beans and canned tuna. So here's a menu based on inexpensive comfort foods!

Monday: Tuna Noodle Casserole + cooked mustard greens + peach/grape smoothie

New casserole recipe, not my favorite, but it sure was easy! If you have a beloved tuna casserole recipe, please email it to me! We are doing tuna casserole for cooking class in January and I'm determined to find a recipe that is easy and yummy.

Tuesday: Bean Burritos + canned corn + apple slices. I cook my own beans in a pressure cooker, it requires no soaking and is so easy. Here's how you can do it yourself.

image from

Wednesday: Smokey Black Bean Soup + crockpot roll recipe (trying it for thanksgiving!) + apple slices

image from

Thursday: Butternut squash risotto + green salad + canned pears

(this recipe is a bit involved and is gourmet, but I have squash, apples and sage from my garden I want to celebrate!)

image from

Friday: Homemade pizza with zuchinni, pepperoni and pesto (all in the freezer!) + green salad + applesauce

Image from me! Taken this summer.

Saturday: Cottage cheese spinach lasagna + green salad + whatever fruit is left in the house

This is my favorite lasagna recipe, it's easy, it's yummy and my 11 year old is making it for us.

image from

Have a good cozy week!

This week, I want to introduce you to a concept called COOK ONCE, EAT TWICE.

The idea is that you double a recipe with the intent of eating leftovers another day. I'm going on a trip and leaving the kids home with a sitter - so this will make things easier while I'm gone.

The important thing to remember when cooking once, eating twice - is to choose meals you know your family likes. Our favorite meals are: hummus/tzatziki, rice and bean salad, and tortellini soup.

Here's the menu!

Monday: Green salad with hard boiled eggs, cheese, walnuts, garbanzo beans, apples and bacon! Homemade breadsticks (I love this recipe! Image below is from the website

Tuesday: Cooking class: chicken with rice + butternut squash + green salad + pears

I'm so excited to see you guys on zoom!

Wednesday: Cooking class leftovers!

Thursday: Elk tacos (which are just like regular ground beef tacos), cabbage w/lime juice, cantaloupe, Rice and bean salad, tres leches cake to celebrate a family member’s birthday!

Friday: Tortellini Sausage Soup + apple slices (recipe and image from

Saturday: Hummus, tzatziki and naan bread before trick or treating

Sunday: Leftover rice+bean salad with cheese tortillas and fresh fruit (whatever is on sale this week)

Monday: Leftover hummus, tzatziki, naan bread

Tuesday: Leftover tortellini soup + cheese sandwiches

Wednesday: cottage cheese pancakes + scrambled eggs w/any veggies in the fridge (I’ll just be getting home and will need something simple + fast, this recipe I created has more protein than regular pancakes!)

Thursday: leek cabbage soup + whole wheat bread and green salad

Friday: out to eat with friends at a Thai restaurant

I'm back from fall break. I came home to an empty fridge, so I had to quickly make a meal plan and get to the store. I hate shopping without a plan and list, but when I've got a meal plan and a list of what I need, it's much less stressful! Sorry this is low on photos, I'll take some this week so there will be photos next time I post these recipes!

Here's what I already had:

chopped leeks in the freezer,

elk roast

apples from a friend's tree

the last tomatoes and peppers from the garden

roasted red bell peppers from the freezer

frozen peaches from a friend's tree

Here's my menu:

M: Mollie Katzen Tortilla Soup (uses up all those tomatoes, peppers and roasted peppers from the freezer) + quesadillas and avocados

T: Elk roast on whole wheat tortillas with salsa and cheese (pretty much a taco), peach smoothies, lettuce from the garden

W: Crock Pot Leek soup, sliced apples, green salad, cheese sandwiches

Th: Tacos, my 11 year old daughter found some new recipes she is going to try.

F: Squash Goulash + the last melons from the garden + green salad + toast

S: Vegetable Tortellini Soup + sliced apples + whole wheat bread

(image from

S: Make something creative with leftovers

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