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“Why do you have to be a dietitian, Mom?, it ruins all of our fun!” my 5 year old pouted.

I had just finished telling him that we couldn't have only Halloween candy for lunch.

As I served him up a tuna sandwich with a Milky Way on the side, I thought to myself “Why does all fun have to involve candy?''

I don't like setting limits around treats and candy. I worry: "Am I too strict? Am I ruining all of my kids' fun? Am I making my kids crazy about treats?"

But I still set limits because I know it's important. (read more about how to do it here)

I wanted to argue and defend my fun-mom-ness, but I knew arguing wouldn't help.

Arguing is not something fun-moms do.

Instead, I got creative and came up with something fun and healthy to do together later in the day: Halloween food crafts


Using my friend google, I found fun Halloween lunch ideas: Frankenstein-avocado toast, mummy pizza and ghost toast. I’ve since re-created them and posted them here, here and here.

These recipes are FUN, healthy and within-my-food-crafting-abilities (meaning that they require ZERO skill).

The recipes also taste really good. I love peanut butter and banana ghost toast, and my son loves the mummy toast.

This toast is a great way to have Halloween fun without candy.

Candy isn't evil. I like candy! I just like it in limited doses, and it's always good to find ways to have fun without added sugar.

Let me know if you try any of these recipes! Watch your email for next week's post, I'll be discussing the "Sticky Topic of Halloween Candy."

Happy Eating!


My Menu for this week:

Monday: Nachos topped with cheese, beans, fresh salsa and avocado

Tuesday: Elk and potato stew + whole wheat bread + apples

Wednesday: Bean Soup + whole wheat cheese sandwiches + honeydew melon

Friday: pbj + apples (we will be traveling)

Saturday: eggs and pancakes

I can't believe how much the price of food has gone up lately. I made a quick trip to the store last week for a camping trip thinking that I would only spend about 100$. Nope. A few days of groceries cost me $200!

If the cost of groceries is killing you too, here's a few guaranteed ways to make your grocery budget go further.

#1 Drink Water

Cost of a 12 pack of soda: about 8$

Cost of water from the tap: FREE

Soda can be fun treat, but if you drink 1 can every day this summer (90 days), you will spend 60$ a person on soda. For my family of 5, that equates to 300$!

If you are looking to save money on your grocery bill, save soda for special occasions.

Don't buy it every week at the store.

#2 Cut your own watermelon

An average sized watermelon contains about 20 cups of watermelon and costs $4.68

A precut container of watermelon contains 4-6 cups and costs $4.58

Cutting your own watermelon saves SO MUCH MONEY!

This advice holds true for any cut and packaged fruit. If you wash and cut your own fruit you'll save so much money!

Worried that you'll buy a bad melon? Most stores will exchange a bad melon for a good one. If you choose bad watermelon, just ask if you can exchange it, most stores will say yes!

#3 Buy fresh veggies instead of chips

It's a common misconception that junk food costs less than fresh vegetables.

In the image below, notice the cost per ounce of chips.

It ranges from 22 cents/oz to 60 cents/oz

bag of Doritos = 41 cents per ounce.

bag of carrots = 4.9 cents per ounce

cucumbers = 12.3 center per ounce

bag of celery = 7 cents per ounce

Want to cut back on your grocery bill? Buy fruits and vegetables! Not only are they less expensive than chips + treats, but your family isn't going to eat them as they will last longer.

Save chips for special occasions.


Simple healthy foods are NOT more expensive than chips and soda If you drink water instead of soda, veggies instead of chips and cut your own fruit, you'll save a ton of money at the store.

Want more idea on how to save money at the grocery store?

Check out these previous blog posts:

Thanks for reading!

It's possible that 50% of my 7 year old body was created from otter pops. I remember slurping up the juice from one otter pop after another after another on hot summer days.

I thought I was making a healthy choice!

I thought popsicles were made from blended fruit and were thus healthy!

Now that I'm a mom, I know better.

Each otter pop has 5 grams of sugar. As a kid, I never ate one pop. On a really hot day I'd eat at least 10. That equates to 50 grams of sugar.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association both recommend limiting added sugar intake to less than 25 grams per day.

50 grams of sugar is way over the daily limit!

Does this mean I never buy popsicles?

Of course not.

Does this mean I set limits on how many my kids eat?


It's okay to set limits!

Here are 2 ways to choose healthier popsicles this summer:

#1: Make your kids ask before having a popsicle. I think popsicles are a sometimes food, not a free for all. Try to limit to one per day.

#2: Choose a popsicle that's actually made from blended fruit, and look for one with a lower amount of added sugar. (or make your own, see the end of the blog for more info)

To help you choose a lower sugar variety, here's a list of popsicles and their sugar content. If you enjoy the high sugar varieties, just try to limit how much you eat!

I was disheartened to see that the twin popsicles have so much sugar. I loved breaking those things in half on my kitchen counter as a kid....especially the banana ones!

Twin Pops

$3.00 for 18 popsicles

22 grams of sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)

Great Value Freedom Pops

$2.48 for 12

9 grams of sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)

Monster Pops


16grams of sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)


$5.64 for 18

7 grams added sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)

Outshine popsicles

$5.64 for 12

9 grams added sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)

Otter Pops

$5.88 for 80 popsicles

5 grams added sugar per otter pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)

Junior Pops

$2.50 for 20

9 grams added sugar per pop

(limit is 25g/day for kids)


made with real fruit!

$3.98 for 6 bars (expensive)

still has 14 grams added sugar!

(remember the daily limit is 25 grams)

Helado's MINIs (these are small)

$4.77 for 12

4-9 grams added sugar per pop

(remember the daily limit is 25 grams)

La Michoacana

$7.78 for 12

18-26 grams added sugar per pop (yikes!)

(remember, the daily limit for sugar is 25 grams)

Pace Bars

5.99 for 12

19 grams added sugar per pop

(remember, the daily limit for sugar is 25 grams)

Minion Popsicles

5.99 for 6 (expensive!)

5 grams added sugar per pop (they are tiny)

Mighty Ice Pops

2.89 for 9 pops

20 grams added sugar per pop

(remember the limit is 25 grams of sugar per day)

This isn't a complete list.

I'm not saying that you should or should not buy any of these popsicles.

I just want you to be AWARE of how much sugar is in popsicles, just in case you are like me and thought that they were full of fruit! When you are shopping, take a minute to compare labels and choose an option with less sugar.

Healthy eating is about balance. It's okay to enjoy popsicles, and it's also okay to skip going out for sodas and cookies at swig if you already had a popsicle that day.

Looking for a healthier way to cool down?

Here's a few ideas:

Keep cut watermelon on hand!

  • no added sugars! Fresh fruit is an anytime food at my house!

Make your own popsicles

Banana "nice" cream (no added sugar)

My Favorite Smoothies (no added sugar)!

(you could turn any of these into popsicles, but it's not worth the hassle in my opinion)

Peanut butter green smoothie

Tropical Smoothie

Beet smoothie

Happy summer!

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