Infant 4-6 months

Respond to your baby's needs
By 4-6 months, your baby has probably gotten used to breast and bottle feeding. Keep listening to your baby's cues to know when to start solid foods. For most babies, this is not until 6 months.
Feeding tips for 4-6 month olds
Only feed your baby when they are hungry
Support your baby so he can eat when hungry and stop when full.
Your baby might be finished eating before the bottle is empty.
Only breastmilk or formula in a bottle.
Never give juice, cow's milk, or soda in a bottle.
Give water in an open cup when you start solid foods.
Start solids when baby is ready.
Starting solids too early can cause eating problems.
Watch this video to learn if your baby is ready for solid foods.
Infant feed tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics
More tips on starting solids.
Give foods high in iron.
Your baby's first foods should have iron in them. Watch to learn more.
Prevent food allergies.
It's important to give allergenic foods like eggs and nuts around 6 months. Watch this video to learn more.
Prevent Choking
rule #1: always sit down with your child during meals
rule #2: avoid dangerous foods
Watch this video to learn what foods to avoid.
Ask your Family Advocate to schedule a visit with the Registered Dietitian.
One-on-one consults are available over zoom.
Almost any time or day can be accommodated.
Understand your infant
How to feed your baby
Breastfeeding your baby
Bottle-feeding formula and equipment
Feed based on what your baby can do
Understand your baby’s sleeping and waking
What is your baby telling you?
Your baby’s temperament
Is your baby too small? Does he not eat enough?
Is your baby too big? Does she eat too much?
Teaching your breastfed baby to take a bottle
Feeding your prematurely born baby

Ellyn satter videos
The following short videos (about 1 minute each) are available through your Family Advocate
Introduction 1:12
Feeding is parenting. Trust. Meet child’s and parents’ needs.
Ashley 3 wk 4:40
Positive breastfeeding (latch-on, suck-swallow). Sleep states.
Caroline 3 mo 2:02
Positive breastfeeding (latch-on, suck-swallow). hungry days.
Emerson 4 mo 2:39
Pressured feeding—bottle. Poor reciprocity.
Chase 4 mo 2:44
Lack of interest in too-early solids. Interest in things. Sleep problems.
Summary 1:09
Division of responsibility. Cultivate curiosity. Wait to start solids.