Infant 6-12 months:
Getting Ready to Eat with the Family

Your child's eating abilities will change every day. How do you know what to offer?
Read below to learn more about how to start your baby on solid foods and advance him to table foods.
Feeding tips for 6-12 month olds
Step 1: Set the scene
The most important thing you can do to get your baby ready for table food is to get into the "meal habit" yourself.
Feed yourself 3 meals a day and 1 -2 snacks. Babies learn how to eat from watching you. Try to time your infant's feeding times around your mealtimes.
If you aren't currently eating 3 meals a day, now is the time to start this important healthy habit! If you need help with meal planning, get your family advocate to refer you to the Registered Dietitian.
Step 2: Dont start solids until your infant is ready
There are 2 things you can do now to prevent childhood obesity:
1) Wait to start solids until your child is ready
2) Stop feeding your baby when he shows signs of fullness, as seen in this video from the Ellyn Satter Institute
A full version of this video is available from your FA in English and Spanish.
Step 3: Don't Wait tooo long to start solids!
If your child has not started solids by 8-9 months, he is at risk for:
1) Delayed development
2) Picky eating
3) Nutrient deficiencies
Why? Watch the video to learn more.
Only Breastmilk and Formula in the bottle
Wait to give cow's milk until 1 year.
Give water in an open cup during meals.
Avoid juice, it is not healthy for your child.
No soda or other sweetened beverages for baby.
Give a source of iron at every meal
Pureed meats and fortified infant cereals are the best first foods for babies. If not given, your baby may become iron deficient.
Video in Spanish not yet available.
Let your baby feed himself as soon as possible
Letting babies feed themselves can help prevent picky eating.
It also helps your child learn to use his hands!
video credit:
Keep trying new textures
Babies who are fed purees too long become picky eaters.
It is VERY important to offer different foods, flavors, and textures.
Watch this video to learn more.
Prevent your child from choking
Sit with your child during meals
Cut foods into 1/4 inch pieces
Avoid dangerous foods
Watch this video to learn more
Be savvy about allergies
Unsure when to offer peanuts, eggs, and dairy?
Watch this video to learn how to prevent food allergies in infants.

The "7-12 month" video is available through your Family Advocate
In this 10 minute video you will learn:
best foods for 6-12 month olds
foods to avoid feeding 6-12 month olds
how to know when to start solid foods
what first foods to feed babies
food allergies
preventing picky eating
Ask your Family Advocate to schedule a visit with the Registered Dietitian.
One-on-one consults are available over zoom.
Almost any time or day can be accommodated.
Common Concerns to talk with the dietitian about:
Understanding older babies
Starting solids
Starting baby on a cup
How to prepare for weaning
Understanding almost toddlers
How to feed almost toddlers
Making food easy to eat
Keeping a child from choking
Concerns about your child's size

Ellyn satter videos
The following short videos (about 1 minute each) are available through your Family Advocate
Introduction 1:18
Starting solids to family meals. Children vary. Keep it casual.
Jatta 5 mo 2:30
Positive first solid feeding. Breastfeeding (latch-on, suck-swallow).
Micah, Sam 4.5 mo 1:49
(+) and (-) reaction to too-early solids. Babies at family meal.
Ella 6.5 mo 4:22
Positive, experienced semi-solids. Unfamiliar food.
Zubin 6 mo 2:20
Negative semi-solids. Parent charmingly pushy.
Alex 10 mo 1:57
Getting stuck on semi-solid food.
Andrew 7 mo 3:26
Introduction to family food. Mid-transition to family meal.
Madison & Daniel 12 mo 4:13
Self-feeding at family meal. Oral-motor development and hand-
mouth coordination. Child obesity.
Summary 1:13
Division of responsibility. Children’s eating competence.