It's important to keep our bodies moving, even when we don't feel like putting on a coat and heading outdoors. Here's a few fun ways to get your toddler moving indoors this winter.
#1 Animal Action
"Animal Action, it's so much fun!"
This song (which is available on Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your music) encourages kids to use their imaginations to move like animals. It provides a different type of music for each animal to encourage different types of movement, and kids LOVE IT!
Your kids (and your body) will also love it if you get up and move like an animal with them!

#2 Paper Plate Skating
Give kids paper plates, turn on "The Skaters" (link to classical music in YouTube), and have them "skate" around on a hard floor. For even more fun, have them dress up in whatever fun "skating" attire you have like scarves, funny hats and flowy skirts.
#3 Going on a Bear Hunt
Go on a "bear hunt" based off of this YouTube song. Instructions are on the bottom of each picture. Once you have the song memorized, you can do it without the YouTube video!
#4 Couch Cushion Castle
Let your kids create a fort or castle with the couch cushions. Moving those big cushions can be a real workout for small bodies! To really get your heart rate up, you can build a fort, then break it down and rebuild it again and again.

#5 Blanket Burrito Roll
Have your kids roll up in a blanket like a burrito, then unroll. They'll love it if you try to eat them up, and love it even more if you let them roll you up!
There's a few ideas for indoor movement. Remember, all little bits of movement add up. Park farther away from the store so you get in more steps, go to a kids movement class at the library, or turn on some music and dance. It all adds up, and your body will love it if you get moving with your kids.
Have a great week!