We ate it for dinner 2 times (and the leftovers for lunch 2 times), so I'm going to say yes! But I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better, it really is a healthy meal!

Instead of encouraging people to eliminate foods from their diet because they are "unhealthy," I like to encourage people to tweak their favorite dishes to make them healthier.
These are the two main tweaks that can make most food healthy:
#1 use whole wheat flour instead of white flour (or brown rice instead of white rice)
#2 add vegetables
I do this with Pizza. I do this with Mac and Cheese. I do this with tacos. I do this with casseroles. I do this with desserts.
Take a look through the menu I made last week. Note the bolded whole grain and veggie items:
Monday (Labor day at grandpa's house): Hamburgers, potato salad, fruit salad, coleslaw
Tuesday: Whole wheat noodles with beef + mushroom stroganoff + green beans + cantaloupe (image from link above)

Wednesday: Whole Wheat pizza topped with pesto, pepperoni, spinach, mushrooms and bell peppers + watermelon
Thursday: Pumpkin lentil curry + brown rice + frozen mangoes (this is next month's cooking class recipe!)

Friday: Whole wheat pizza topped with pesto + fresh tomatoes and fresh mozzarella
Saturday: Whole wheat soft taco/whole grain corn taco shell + taco meat + tomatoes and lettuce + pineapple and grapes

Sunday: (at grandpas): Roast + rolls + green beans + apple pie + ice cream!
I hope you can find some meals to add veggies and whole grains to! If you do, let me know: nicolebuhlerRD@gmail.com (or just reply to the email!)