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Meals for the Last Week of Summer

It's the last week of summer break at my house. We're feeling really excited about starting up school again! Because we are packing in a lot of fun this week, the meals are going to be really simple. Here's what we are eating this week!


lunch: cottage cheese with crackers, fresh tomatoes and fresh peaches

dinner: whole wheat spaghetti with jarred tomato sauce, green beans from the garden, green salad with garden vegetables, bread with butter, fresh cut peaches

need tips on how to get your kids to eat salad? Check this out this post by my fellow dietitian at Real Mom Nutrition:


lunch: leftover spaghetti, bread with garden pesto and fresh tomatoes

dinner: crock pot lasagne (I will use cottage cheese instead of ricotta and no meat to make is less expensive) green salad, fresh grapes from our garden


breakfast: oatmeal pancakes with fresh peaches on top

lunch: green smoothies, crackers and cheese

dinner: little cesears pizza (we will be headed out on a trip and won't have time to make or clean up dinner)


Grandparents are in charge while I go camping for 4 days. Kids will be eating whatever grandma and grandpa eat. I'll be eating simple food like crackers, salami, cheese, hummus, fresh fruits and vegetables and granola bars.

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