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The #1 most important health goal you can make in 2025

Writer's picture: Nicole BuhlerNicole Buhler

The #1 most important health goal you can make in 2025 is to prioritize sitting down to eat with your kids.

That's it.

Seem to simple to be helpful?

It's been my experience in counseling patients over the past 15 years that almost everyone who DOESN'T eat family meals will struggle with the following problems:

  • kids who are picky eaters

  • kids who won't eat meals

  • kids who eat too much

  • kids who don't eat enough

  • parents who don't feel good about their eating choices

My first recommendation is ALWAYS to sit down and eat MEALS together.

As soon as families start eating meals together, their kids start eating better.

Parents start feeding themselves better too.

Of course, there's a few additional rules required to make this successful (quid pro quo's thank you genie from Aladdin).


  • This doesn't mean you can't have snacks: you just need to treat snacks like a meal. Have a set time for snacks, gather the food you want for snack and sit down to eat it at the kitchen table (or in a set spot on the floor if you have no table).

  • Don't let your child graze.

  • Stop giving snacks as a way to entertain your child in the car, at stores, at church, in the stroller, or at times when they need to wait.

Have consistent meal and snack times sitting down in the same spot.
Have consistent meal and snack times sitting down in the same spot.


  • Try to eat at around the same times every day.

  • Kids need to eat every 2-4 hours.

  • Eat breakfast when you wake up and eat a meal or snack at the table (or in a set spot on the floor if you don't have a table) again about every 3 hours until bedtime.

Make mealtime screen free time
Make mealtime screen free time


  • no phones while eating

  • no TV while eating

  • no tablets while eating

  • no toys, books or other distractions

  • kid won't sit long enough to eat? They probably aren't hungry. Try again in 2-3 hours.

  • don't try to distract your child into eating

  • avoiding screens also prevents adults from overeating

Don't force kids to eat.  They'll eat when they are hungry!
Don't force kids to eat. They'll eat when they are hungry!


  • Offer food

  • If your child chooses not to eat, don't make them eat

  • If your child eats a lot, it's okay, maybe they are growing. They'll probably eat less later.

  • You'll be offering a meal or snack again in 3 hours, they can eat at the next meal or snack if they aren't going to eat right now!

That's it.

Did you notice how I didn't say anything about WHAT to eat?

How you eat is even more important than what you eat. That is partially because it's very difficult to eat well if you aren't planning and cooking meals.

Get the meal habit down.

Stop grazing all day.

Then you can add in healthier foods.

I'll show you what that looks like next week.

thanks for reading!!



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