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The Weekly Spread + Chimichurri

I'm trying something totally new to me this week. It's called Chimichurri and it's made from pureed parsley and cilantro. It's a great way to pack in the vitamins and minerals (leafy green herbs are a vegetable!) Maybe you've had it, maybe not. Check out the recipe on Wednesday if you are up for something adventurous.

Monday: leek and potato soup + whole wheat bread + green salad + grapefruit sections

(image from website link above)

Tuesday: Cooking Class! Spinach Lasagna! I hope to see you all there!

Wednesday: Chimichurri Steak Tacos + coleslaw mix with lime juice + orange slices

(image from website link above)

Thursday: Sesame Glazed Meatballs + broccoli + oranges

(image from website link above)

Friday: Homemade pizza topped with greens from the garden (first of the year!)

Saturday: Bean Burritos

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