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Top 3 Heart Health Nutrition Tips

Writer's picture: Nicole BuhlerNicole Buhler

High blood pressure, cholesterol and heart attacks probably aren't on the list of things that keep you up at night. However, due to the fact that Heart Disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States, I don't want Heart Month 💘 to end without sharing some heart healthy nutrition tips.

If you think heart health is only something old people worry about, think again!

Healthy habits start young, teach your kids to eat healthy now & they won't have to break unhealthy habits later! Here's 3 tips to get your started on heart health:

#1: Choose Whole Grains

Oatmeal is one of the most heart healthy breakfasts you could choose!
Oatmeal is one of the most heart healthy breakfasts you could choose!


Whole grains have more fiber than refined grains.

Fiber lowers cholesterol. High cholesterol = increased risk for heart disease


  • look for the word whole grain as the first ingredient on food labels

  • If a product says 100% whole grain, that is the best option

  • example: 100% whole wheat flour, 100% whole grain corn flour, 100% whole grain oats

  • Use whole wheat flour in pancakes and muffins


Microwave Oatmeal with berries and nuts
Microwave Oatmeal with berries and nuts

Oatmeal Pancakes
Oatmeal Pancakes

Green muffins made with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 white flour
Green muffins made with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 white flour

#2: Eat spinach every day.

Green Smoothies are the easiest way to get your greens!
Green Smoothies are the easiest way to get your greens!


Spinach is high in nitrates, which can lower blood pressure.

Spinach is also high vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that protect your heart.


  • buy a bag of spinach every week at the store and aim to use it by the end of the week

  • buy a bag of spinach for the freezer and add it to smoothies

  • add chopped spinach into things like mac + cheese, tomato sauce or soups


This peanut butter banana green smoothie will keep you full for hours!
This peanut butter banana green smoothie will keep you full for hours!
Spinach goes well in lasagna.  Serve green foods from the start so your kids aren't "scared" of green foods as they get older.
Spinach goes well in lasagna. Serve green foods from the start so your kids aren't "scared" of green foods as they get older.
Green muffins made with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 white flour
Green muffins made with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 white flour

#3 Eat fish at least once/week (preferably twice)

A tuna sandwich with lettuce on whole wheat bread is one of the most heart healthy lunches you can eat!
A tuna sandwich with lettuce on whole wheat bread is one of the most heart healthy lunches you can eat!


Fish is one of the only foods with omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats help prevent heart disease.


  • Canned sardines are one of the best sources of omega-3 fats and are the least likely to contain mercury

  • Canned Tuna is also an excellent source of omega-3, choose light (not albacore) for less chance of mercury

  • Salmon and lake trout are also good sources, but more expensive.

  • Lean fish are not a good source of omega-3 fats (tilapia).


Putting it together:

Here are 4 habits I've gotten into that help me eat well:

At the store:

  1. At the store, I only buy 100% whole grain breads, pastas, tortillas and cereals

  2. I buy 2 bags of spinach every week

  3. I buy a case of tuna every time there is a case lot sale

At home:

  1. I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every day.

  2. I eat a green smoothie for snack 5 days per week

  3. I eat a tuna sandwich for lunch anytime I don't have leftovers to eat

A Goal I have:

Eat sardines once per week, usually at snack time on crackers (they are so yummy!, but new to me).


There are so many good foods that contribute to heart health. Today we only mentioned 3: whole grains, spinach and fish.

Remember: Get your kids used to healthy foods when they are young so that making healthy choices will be easier as they get older!

There are many more things you can do to prevent heart disease. To learn more visit this website:



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