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Try this high protein, 30-minute, noodle recipe

"But I don't like red sauce!" My 10-year-old whined as I was about to top her noodles with a scoop of marinara.

"I just want plain noodles!" she persisted, as I rolled my eyes and put the spoon back in the sauce pot.

I have a love-hate relationship with noodles. You could say noodles are a pretty healthy food. They are fortified with iron and folate. They have a little bit of protein. If you buy whole wheat noodles, they are also a good source fiber. They are fast to make, easy to eat, and as universally loved as baby shark.

However, you can't live on noodles alone.

Noodles lack fat and protein, which means they won't keep you full for long. If you eat them without a high protein sauce, you will be hungry again soon.

I don't want my kids to be hungry again soon.

Which is why I created this month's COOKING CLUB recipe: 30-minute peanut noodles.

One serving of these peanut noodles has 14 grams of protein and 14 grams of filling, healthy fats.

Reminder: small humans aged 1-3 only need 13 grams of protein daily.

Your kids are less likely to ask for a snack 30 minutes after dinner when they eat a meal that includes fat and protein.

Why else would you want to make this recipe?

The sauce is almost as easy as a can of red sauce: you just microwave peanut butter with soy sauce and optional flavorings.

The ingredients are inexpensive and keep in the freezer and pantry for a long time.

You'll only use one pot, a grater, a measuring cup and a tablespoon, which means less time spent cleaning up dishes after dinner.

And your kids won't whine for plain noodles when this recipe is on the menu: it's delicious!

Want to try it out for yourself? Here's the recipe link:

Want to try cooking it with us? Families enrolled in DDI VANTAGE Early Head Start can join a live zoom cook along with me, Nicole Buhler, Registered Dietitian. Class will be held Tuesday, February 28th at 11 am, 5 pm or 6:30 pm. Ask your family advocate for signup information today!

P.S. Here's my menu for the week:

Monday: Nicole out of town, family eats leftover lasagna from the weekend + green beans

Tuesday: Nicole out of town, family eats leftover walnut tofu baked stir fry + rice

Thursday: 10 year old cooks one pot sausage noodles with kale + grapes

Friday: 12 year old makes one pot chicken and rice + applesauce

Saturday: quesadillas with beans, bell peppers and onions + applesauce

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