When my teenage kids' friends find out that I'm a dietitian, they immediately start asking if my kids are allowed to eat candy. They think that because I'm a dietitian, I don't allow ANY sweets or treats in our house.
The opposite is true. I love treats. I love candy and baking, and I love Halloween!
Eating healthy is all about moderation and balance.
I'm planning a Halloween party for my 3rd grader. We will be making Frankenstein toast, mummy toast, apple teeth and mummy dogs. We will also eat donuts off of a string and have some candy corn.

What's my opinion on Halloween candy?
My opinion aligns 100% with my fellow Dietitian Ellyn Satter. I think that every parent should read this article she wrote about Halloween candy: https://www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/family-meals-focus/30-halloween-candy/
I've been following her advice since my kids were little, it works well! Now that my kids are older, it's common for me to find old Halloween candy in the pantry during our April spring cleaning.

Some parents like to do the "switch witch" where they switch Halloween candy for books and toys. I've never tried this....mostly because I'm lazy and it requires some forethought. But here's an excellent way to think about the switch witch from a Registered Dietitian's perspective: https://www.realmomnutrition.com/switch-witch/
Happy Halloween!
Looking for fun recipes to make?
Here's a few of our Halloween favorite recipes:

Last year I tried this recipe from the blog tastes better from scratch, it was delicious and fun!

See you next week!